The tournament was held in South Africa, with Kenya hosting their two matches against Sri Lanka and New Zealand.<br>Kenya had done enough to qualify for the Super Six stage, becoming the first non-test nation to progress <br>beyond the first round of the World Cup. Drawn in the same first round group as New Zealand, Pakistan and Scotland, Kenya only beat <br>the Scots, and finished third in the points table for the group.<br>A rebuilding process began in 2005. The player strikes ceased,<br>and Kenya again reached the semi-finals of the Intercontinental Cup.<br>Paul Pogba was awarded the Best Young Player award during the tournament.<br>The new contracts had completely cut ties with the past, with Collins Obuya, the new captain, being <br>the oldest player at 29. Experienced players like the former captain Jimmy Kamande, <br>a veteran of five World Cups, Thomas Odoyo, and others were not <br>even considered. Both first-class matches were drawn, and Sri Lanka A won the first two one-day games, with the final two being (...) visit my site <a (...) force 1 nera</a>
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